
IІІ Міжнародний двотуровий фестиваль-конкурс мистецтв «ChristmasFest» 2023!

Реєстрація закінчена



III International two-round festival-competition of arts "ChristmasFest".

It takes place in 2 rounds:

1st round – selection (within the educational institution that sends the participant(s) to the competition)

2nd round - final (by video recordings)

Remote competition from January 27 to January 30, 2023.

The application deadline is January 26, 2023. including!!!

Announcement of results on January 31, 2023.

Diplomas will be sent by e-mail after February 7!

The following are invited to participate:

Amateur and professional children's, youth, youth, adult and multi-age groups and individual performers working in various genres of art.

The age of participants is not limited.

Age categories:

• Debut: 3-5 years;

• I age category: 5-6 years;

• II age category: 7-8 years;

• III age category: 9-10 years;

• IV age category: 11-12 years;

• V age category: 13-15 years;

• VI age category: 16-18 years old,

• VII age category: 19-22 years old,

• VIII age category: 23 years and older.

• IX Mixed age category


1) Vocal: one or two different works are provided. Duration no more than 12 minutes, (for all age categories) - works of the participant's choice.

Genre – pop, academic, folk vocal – (solo, duet, trio, quartet, ensembles, choirs).

2) Conducting: symphonic (any orchestra), choral, regency. 1 or 2 works of up to 30 minutes are provided, the recording can be to the background music, any live group, and a soundtrack.

3) Theater: participants present one creation - from 20 to 40 minutes.

Genre - all genres of theater.

Artistic word - readers provide 1-2 works of their choice. Duration - no more than 5 minutes

4) Instrumental: soloists, duets, trios, quartets, ensembles, orchestras:

one or two miscellaneous works are provided.

Genre: piano, concertmaster, strings, brass, percussion, folk, mixed ensembles.

5) Original performance: one or two different works.

Special attention is paid to the conformity of the manner of submission of the competition work to the genre and age of the contestants;

Christmas-themed works are preferred, but not required!

The video must meet the following requirements:

 The contestant's face and body should be clearly visible on the recording.

(For teams: all participants of the performance must be clearly visible)

 It is not allowed to stop the video camera during the performance

 The recording of each work can be separate or two works together

 The video must be posted on YouTube, then the link must be added to the application form

An amateur entry is allowed if all the conditions of the competition are observed

Application forms are sent to the e-mail address: and on the competition website.

Charity contribution for participation in the competition:

(all diplomas are in the original (sent by Novaya Poshta) and in electronic form, if you order a souvenir, we send it at the expense of the recipient.)

*10 euros – Original and Electronic diplomas, for a solo participant (1 pc), artistic director (1 pc), accompanist (if there is one) (1 pc).

*20 euros – Original and Electronic diplomas for groups (1 pc.), artistic director (1 pc.), accompanist (if there is one) (1 pc.). (the amount is indicated not for the team member, but for the entire team).

The participant, teacher and accompanist receives a diploma by e-mail.

Organizational issues:

 The organizing committee is the competition management body. Participants are obliged to follow all instructions of the organizing committee and competition rules.

 By applying for participation, contestants agree to all the terms and conditions of the contest.

 The competition carries out its activities by receiving charitable contributions from participants.

 The jury determines the laureates (I, II, III places) of the competition in each age category.

 The Grand Prix is awarded by the jury at its discretion for the brightest and most flawless performances.

 All decisions of the jury are final and are not subject to discussion or review.

 Each participant of the competition, teacher and concertmaster will be awarded diplomas.

The organizers bear the expenses related to the organization, conduct and awarding of the participants.

Send questions about the contest to:

Phone number of the organizing committee: +38 (050) 827 87 40

Working hours: 10.00 - 18.00 (Monday - Friday)